Like it or not, there are conditions that only a specialist can understand and help you get through. There are also questions about prenatal diet that only a certified nutritionist** can accurately answer.

What to eat during pregnancy? Eat right for your baby's health!

A balanced diet is good for everyone; However, during pregnancy it is important to make dietary changes based on your specific needs. Knowing what foods are good to eat during pregnancy can help resolve your pregnancy symptoms (abuse, vomiting, swelling, constipation and stomach acid, leg and headaches, etc.) and take care of your babies.

There is no one-size-fits-all meal plan for expectant mothers. Some do not have problems with the food they eat, and others may start to have problems. Some foods can make their symptoms worse, others can alleviate them. This is one of the reasons why you should seek the help of a prenatal nutritionist who provides good advice on dietary restrictions. These dietary restrictions during pregnancy are based on many factors such as lifestyle, physical changes and hormonal changes. Now follow the criteria below:

Eat more vegetables

If you eat vegetables regularly, you can provide many benefits to your body. Some of the benefits of vegetables include:

They are low in fat, calories and cholesterol

are a good source of fiberglass (to fight constipation and prevent)

contains many vitamins and minerals, including folate (which helps reduce the risk of neural tube defects and spina bifida during child development)

Don't be afraid to be creative in adding vegetables to your diet, such as adding to sandwiches, mixing in dishes or mixing smoothies. You can also try eating different vegetables in any form (raw, cooked, fresh, frozen, canned or dried) and in different colors as they provide different vitamins and minerals. Choose a low-sodium one as a can. Vegetables are usually healthy, so you don't have to stick to specific varieties; however, raw leafy vegetables are often considered the best. Remember to wash all vegetables before eating, as they are more prone to infections during pregnancy.

Among other things, these vegetables are full of vitamins and nutrients that are essential during pregnancy:








Vegetable salad



sweet potato

Go with healthy protein

Fill your plate with healthy protein. Protein-rich foods can effectively support your baby's growth while giving you the energy your body needs. It can also improve your baby's brain and heart health.

Include some of the following in your daily diet:




Lean meat





Peanut butter



Meat substitutes such as tofu

Don't forget the grains

Your prenatal diet should include whole grains such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta, cereals and oatmeal. They are rich in fiber, iron, B vitamins and folic acid, which are beneficial for your baby's physical development. It can also prevent constipation and hemorrhoids, which are some of the most common inconveniences you will experience during pregnancy

Color the food with fruits

Some people warn you about eating fruit by asking them what not to eat during pregnancy. This is a myth. The fruit is not only delicious; It helps reduce your cravings for sugar and provides you and your child with the nutrients he needs. Until you often eat it in the form of juice, fruit is an important part of your pregnancy diet. Choose unsweetened as the look

Be careful when making fruit. Do not use knives used for other raw foods that contain bacteria, and always wash raw fruits under running water. Washing the fruit is important because the outer skin or skin can contain bacteria that can cause illness or harm you and your baby. Trim damaged or injured areas to get rid of any bacteria that are hiding in these area

It should be noted that fruit consumption should be done carefully. It can help to monitor your body's reaction every time you have something. For example, if you have high blood sugar or you experience abnormal weight gain, you need to lose weight

"You can have a light portion of the following fruit"




Citrus fruit






Dried Fruits

Take healthy dairy products

Dairy products are a good source of protein and calcium that help your children develop bone development. If you are taking it in moderation, you should not worry about gaining weight, but it is not your main concern.

When buying dairy products, look for the word "Pasteurized", especially cheese such as Cotija. During pregnancy, your body is more prone to infection and pasteurization helps kill bacteria in dairy products such as cheese, yogurt and milk. Ideally, choose low-fat dairy products.