Before we discuss the symptoms of ovulation (main topic of this article), I would like to highlight an important question. Which is:

Is it possible to accurately time ovulation and have a baby (boy or girl) of your choice?

The answer to the above question is definite yes (at least in 75% of cases). It is possible to have a boy or girl child by timing sexual intercourse, by utilizing various properties of X-sperms and Y-sperms.


ID-10015744Ovulation is an important part of pregnancy planning as well as for avoiding pregnancy (family planning). Symptoms of ovulation are subtle and non-specific. Many women may not have any symptoms at all during ovulation or they may not notice the symptoms, because they are subtle and non-specific. In most women, ovulation usually occurs in between 12th and 16th day of menstruation, taking first day of menstrual bleeding as beginning of menstruation. A woman is fertile (during which conception can take place), two days prior to and one day after ovulation.

Common signs and symptoms of ovulation are cramping, back pain, vaginal discharge, mucus, spotting mid cycle, soreness or tenderness of breast, change (increase) in body temperature, changes in tastes, changing hormones etc. By identifying ovulation time, women can identify when they are most fertile for conception.

Cramping and lower back pain:

Approximately half of menstruating women experience cramping and lower abdominal and back pain during mid-menstrual cycle, which is sign of ovulation. Pain is mild to moderate in nature (less severe than menstrual pain) and last for few hours to a day of two. The location of pain is one side of lower abdomen. If pain is severe and accompanied by nausea, vomiting or fever, it is not sign of ovulation and consult a doctor.

Vaginal discharge and cervical mucus:

To facilitate fertilization, during ovulation cervical mucus becomes thin and slippery. Vaginal discharge may increase during ovulation, which is creamy color or clear. Yellowish discharge with an odor is not sign of ovulation, and doctor should be consulted.

Spotting mid menstrual cycle:

When a mature ovum is released from ovarian follicle, it ruptures and may lead to slight bleeding. Hence, mid menstrual cycle spotting can be sign of ovulation. Spotting usually occurs at the end of ovulation; hence, it is sign of end of fertile period.

Soreness or tenderness of breasts:

Some women develop soreness or tenderness of breasts during ovulation, which is due to increased level of hormone progesterone responsible for most signs and symptoms of ovulation. Progesterone level peaks during ovulation and return to normal unless fertilization of ovum and implantation takes place. Breast tenderness is also a sign of pregnancy; hence, breast tenderness lasting for more than few days (breast tenderness of ovulation lasts only a day or two) may be due to pregnancy and deserves a pregnancy test.

Increase in basal body temperature:

This is the most reliable ovulation sign/symptom. At the time of ovulation, there is sudden change in basal body temperature. Two days before ovulation there is slight drop in basal body temperature, but on the day of ovulation, temperature rises sharply. If you want to use basal body temperature to determine time of ovulation, basal body temperature should be taken using a special thermometer at the same time daily, preferably in the morning before getting up from bed and recorded on a graph paper. A drop in basal body temperature herald start of fertile days and sudden increase in basal body temperature indicates ovulation. Create an ovulation calendar using basal body temperature.

Changes in taste:

There may be change in taste and smell among few women during ovulation. This is a subtle symptom and may be missed by most women. There is change is taste and smell during pregnancy too, but it is more clear and usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Other symptoms during ovulation:

Less common signs and symptoms of ovulation include hot flushes, migraine, night sweat, dizziness, nausea and increase sex drive (may be Mother Nature’s gift for conception and pregnancy).

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