Eat More To Lose More

One of the most prevalent missteps of weight loss is the hard-line approach of shedding pounds in an instant. Such misguided diet plans lead to nagging hunger and cravings too strong to struggle against. When the stomach is empty, it produces a hormone called ghrelin that causes hunger. Ghrelin is a hormone that increases appetite, and also plays a role in body weight.

What if you could actually drop more pounds by eating more – by making a bit of shift and switch in your everyday food picks?

The trick is to stay full. To do away with the hunger hormone “ghrelin”, you have to feed on wholesome foods that curb the appetite. Smart weight loss is not letting your body go into super-restrictive eating mode, but about consistently making good food choices, and making gradual, steady transformations in your eating and exercise habits. Spreading six smaller meals all throughout the day operates on the basic principle of satisfaction. Small, frequent meals pacify the constant pangs of hunger. Each small meal should contain protein and fiber-rich complex carbohydrates. They give a feeling of gratification and satiation.

Here are 5 power grub and gulp that make you feel full:

1. Apple

Apples are filled with soluble fiber to keep you feeling sated, and its high water content helps fill your belly as well. Apples also contain pectin, which can help prevent blood sugar spikes that spur hunger. Apples also regulate your glucose and boost your energy level. Apple pectin can keep you full for 1-2 hours. Eat an apple before or after a meal to help keep you full faster and longer, or between meals to help keep blood sugar balanced and stave off cravings for high calorie no-no foods.

2. Fiber

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body can’t digest. Fiber helps regulate the body’s use of sugars, helping to keep hunger and blood sugar in check. One of the richest sources of insoluble fiber is wheat bran. It has less calories, and so, for maintaining weight or shedding off extra pounds, wheat bran should be your selection. It helps you feel full and satisfied, eliminating snacks between meals.

3. Green Tea

Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and various substances that are beneficial for health. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the catechin present in green tea that is responsible for promoting weight loss by increasing the amount of energy your body needs and by making it easier for your body to use excess body fat. Green tea can help you to stop from mindless snacking. It also affects your appetite-regulating hormones, changing how your body metabolizes food and handles cravings.

4. Nuts

Nuts are known to be good sources of appetite-killing fiber, which digests slowly so it stays in your stomach much longer than other carbohydrates. A handful of almonds is a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin E and magnesium. Almonds have also been shown to increase feelings of fullness in people and help with weight management. Eating portion-controlled amounts of the good kind of fat such as these nuts can make up for your cravings and keep you from over-indulging in junk food. By taking the place of more traditional protein sources, nuts and seeds can actually cut down the saturated fat and calories in your overall diet.

5. Spices

Research suggests that some spices can actually target visceral belly fat, and reduce bloating. The spiciness keeps you from overeating, and is a natural anti-inflammatory!

Also, you can do your research on other weight loss programs that might work perfectly for you. While some people opt for diet pills, some of these have to be always carefully supervised by a doctor especially those with medical conditions. One such is the HCG diet, a method of losing weight that combines very little calorie intake and the use of a prescription drug called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Should anyone consider this type of diet, purchase only from legitimate nutrition or health food store with trusted hcg merchant account when purchasing online and should also only be used under medical supervision.

There are a lot of many other natural foods that curb the appetite and aid in weight loss. Go ahead and nosh on these grub and gulp that’s sure to make a difference in your appetite and transform your body.

The Best Ways for How to Finally Lose Weight

Aside from some very isolated situations (i.e. sumo wrestlers) chances are just about everyone is looking to lose a couple of extra pounds. Just how many pounds you’re looking to lose remains up to you as extreme goals may see you in a bodybuilding contest while more lax goals may see you fitting into your favorite pair of jeans easier.

Unfortunately, while weight loss is a common goal, an inability to make a commitment to weight loss is a common problem. Weight loss isn’t something that happens overnight – it takes quite some time of constant dedicated effort. But if it’s something you want so badly, why is it so hard?

While there are countless reasons why losing weight can be hard for you, chances are it has something to do with over complication. Everywhere you look there is a new magical way to lose weigh or gain muscle. While some of these products may be helpful, starting with the bare minimum and making a concrete change is the way to go. After you’ve incorporated important changes in your life you can move into the supplement areas and look into things such as where to buy forskolin for weight loss.

Start Slow& Make Realistic Goals

The key to losing weight (and making any lasting change in general) is to start slow and make realistic goals. If you want to become the next Arnold Schwarzenegger, that’s fine. However, if you think you’re going to go to sleep one day and wake up the next day and be able to train like him, you’re in for a rude awakening. This is why you need to set small, realistic goals. Setting outlandish goals that are impossible to meet will leave you discouraged and likely to quit. Small goals that you can regularly accomplish will have you feeling successful and more likely to keep going.

For example, instead of trying to run for 3 hours daily right off the bat, try to run for 10 minutes everyday for a week. After that bump it up to 15, then 30 and so on. Before you know it you will be running for those 3 hours everyday.

Eat Better

Everyone will tell you what diet to go on but they won’t tell you where you need to start and that is simply improving the diet you currently have. I’m not going to ask you to instantly become a vegan if you’re currently on a 10 Twinkie a day diet because that isn’t realistic. Instead, you should try to cut down to 9 Twinkies per day for a week, then 8 and so on. Don’t look to make incredibly drastic changes – find one simple unhealthy thing you do on a daily basis and make a small change to it. After you’re able to commit to this change for at least a week, improve upon this change the following week.

Exercise More

The same can be said about exercise in terms of goal setting. It’s not realistic to believe you’re going to run a marathon everyday after you’ve been sitting at your computer for 12 hours a day for 3 years. If you’re currently doing no exercise whatsoever, simply make a goal of doing more exercise than you’re currently doing. So, if you’re doing nothing, try doing 5 minutes a day for a week. Then do 10 the following week, and so on and so forth. Small, realistic goals are the key to longevity here.

Research Supplements

If you feel like you’ve set and accomplished a ton of small realistic goals, are eating healthy and exercising enough you can move into the more advanced areas of weight loss. There are many different supplements to choose from that will help to accelerate your weight loss. The key here is to do your research – instead of looking for fad supplements look for proven supplements such as forskolin. After finding your supplement a quick Google search of where to find forskolin for weight loss will be enough to set you on your way.